Your footwear doesn't just affect your feet, it affects everything from your legs to your hips to your spine.
If you suffer from back pain, have you ever considered your shoes may be at least partly to blame❓
👉Most shoes feature an elevated heel, Not just high heels & even if it's just a couple of centimeters, that 1-2 degree of a tilt is enough to change the angle of your spine & the way weight & load is distributed throughout the body.

👉When wearing shoes with a heel, the body is pushed to assume an unnatural posture.
👉Heels force your chest forward & cause your pelvis to tilt forwards.
👉Elevated heels throw the natural s-curve of the spine out of alignment & put the back muscles under considerable stress to try to keep the body stable. This can throw your spine out of alignment & may even lead to nerve pain that travels down from your spine to your legs (aka Sciatica) .So please be mindful when purchasing your next pair of shoes, particularly those of you who suffer from back pain.
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